Results of a pilot study: Behavior self-assessment that leads to conflict with the law among high school students in Montenegro

Analysis: Is the system of regulations ready for CSOs to be Social and Health care service providers
Novembar 27, 2021
Program smanjenja štete u Crnoj Gori
Decembar 17, 2021

Results of a pilot study: Behavior self-assessment that leads to conflict with the law among high school students in Montenegro

Name: Results of a pilot study: Behavior self-assessment that leads to conflict with the law among high school students in Montenegro

Description: Within the project “Kompas“, which was implemented by NGO Juventas and supported by the Global Initiative to Fight Transnational Organized Crime, a quantitative research was conducted on the self-assessment of the resilience among high school students towards crime.

Based on the results, appropriate mechanisms will be created in order to improve their capacities, integrity and resilience. The questionnaire is based on international study (International Self-Report Delinquency Study) which is conducted in 35 countries, and the project team of Juventas adjusted it to the requirements of the project as well as Montenegrin conditions. The study was conducted on the sample of 197 students of the Maritime High School in Kotor.

Authors: NGO Juventas

Date: 2021