Name: Guide on referral system/ social services delivery for UASC in Montenegro
Description: This analysis is developed within the project “Security for Human Beings and Borders -Combating Smuggling of Migrants in the Western Balkans” which was developed as a regional response of 7 CSOs affiliated with the Balkan Refugees and Migration Council (BRMC): Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), Civic Alliance from Montenegro (GAMN), Civil Rights Program Kosovo*5(CRP/K), Group 484, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association (MYLA) and Vaša prava Bosnia and Herzegovina (VP BiH), as well as Danish Refugee Council (DRC) to the burning common problem along the Western Balkans Migration Route – smuggling of migrants.
The project is funded by European Union within the scope of the Civil Society Facility and Media Program 2018- 2019 under the lot “Enhancing CSOs’ engagement in protection sensitive migration management”.