The effectiveness of the system of social benefits in providing material family support.
The study is a part of the „SPEED UP (Social Policies, Entrepreneurship, Employment, Dialogue UPgrading)”project that began with the implementation in July 2014. It was supported by the European Commission through the EU Delegation to Montenegro and implemented by the NGO Juventas and SOS Hotline for women and children victims of violence – Podgorica, in cooperation with the Coalition for Social Change
Study „The effectiveness of the system of social benefits in providing material family support“ examines one of the main segments of the reformed social and child protection – the right on material support to individuals and families who are in need for this kind of support. This study is focused on the material support of individuals and families, including child allowance.
Biljana Zeković
Sreten Jakić
Ivana Vujović
Martina Markoč
Year: 2016.